The project for animation series “Rainy Days” by Ani Antonova Hristova and Dimiter Ovtcharov received the Award in the “Animation Series” category, as well as the Young Horizons Industry Partner Award at this year’s CEE Animation Forum in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
The project is still in development, but the jury composed of Denisa Dufkova, Emmanuel Chevalier and Leticia Montalvá Sánchez highly appreciated its creative potential. The series is inspired by the book “Little Roy” by Violeta Hristova, as well as illustrations by artist Ina Hristova.
The authors of the project hope that this co-production between Austria and Bulgaria will find good partners and supporters and will soon make its way to young viewers.
At the award ceremony, the jury members said that they chose the project because of its great potential, the choice of unusual main characters, that they found it very inspiring and poetic, as well as connecting the creative explorations of several generations in an exciting way.
Rainy Days
Project for an animated series for children aged 5-7
26 x 5’00”
(Austria, Bulgaria)
Directed by Ani Antonova and Dimiter Ovtcharov
Kopfkino (Austria), Omega Films (Bulgaria)
Inspired by the book “Little Roy” by Violeta Hristova (Buboleche Publishing House)